Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April 28

Soooo cuteeee!!!!!

Ai ai!!!!!!
Tempos e tempos sem postar aqui!!!
Bom mais a minha vida tava uma correria!!!
amanha eh meu ultimo dia de aula...AEAEAEAEAEAEAEAEAEA
finalmente estou precisando de ferias!Mais calma aeeee
eu so vou ter uma semana e 2 dias de ferias!!!!!

escola escrava!!!!!PQP viu!!!
To pensando em ir viajar,mais nao sei pra onde e nao sei com quem!pensamentos sao so pensamentos!
amanha eu tenho uma "apresentacao"!!!!And then I'M DONE!!!!!
The problem is I dont want to present!crap crap crap!!!!

AAAhhhh o tempo aqui tem melhorado,ou eu estou virando canadense,eh?!
Sei la ta fazendo 10 graus e eu andando de moletom!!ahuahuauhahuuha
NUNCA eu faria isso no Brasil.
Outro dia estava lembrando que quando fazia 15 graus ai eu saia de casa com 3 ou 5 blusas de frio e mais cachecol e touca.
toda vez que eu me lembro eu comeco a rir litros!!!!

bom agora tenho que me ir, tenho que terminar um desenho gigante para amanha.
estou sem um pingo de vontade mais bora la!!!!

Peace everybody

Tuesday, April 13, 2010




I give up writing here every single day!!!
But I will write when whenever I want!!!!!

Anyways Im almost done with my first semester in Art and Design Foundation!
I have many things to do,like projects,assigments,test...

My bday is coming soon!!!UIPIIII Im gonna be 19!!!!=D
OMG Im so old!!!
I will spend my bday doing my assigments!!!Cool eh??

Peace everybody!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April 6

I need SUMMER!!!!!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

April 5

Im getting tired writing here everyday!!!


I think I gonna try do to always something different.Let's see

Today Im just gonna post a weird picture!(bad quality)
I had to glue something and I don't know how I glued something in my finger!!!It was quite hard to take it off!


we didn't finish our project though and now I'm gonna try to build our museum in 3D using a program in the computer!
So now I have many things to do!

Peace everybody

Sunday, April 4, 2010

April 4

Ai aiiiiiiii

Today was a busy day!!!!
But I kind of like it!!!

I woke up at 9 again,but I just started to do my things at 11!!!
C'mon is Sunday!!!

I met my friends at 13:30 to try to finish our project, we couldnt finish but we did a great job!
I left my friends house at 8, I got home around 9!!
And unfortunately I had to finish my stupid paint homework(really sucks)!!!!
Now Im gonna sleep 'cuz tomorrow I have a busy day!

Peace everybody

Saturday, April 3, 2010

April 3


Oh Im so tired!
I was doing my stupid homework.I HATE COLOURS!

I woke up at 9 o.O I couldnt believe!!!!
I turned my laptop on and I started to watch Doug Funny,Oh I miss the old times!
And then I decided to do my things, I went to Dollarama to buy super glue after that I bought my new shoes (Im happy for that)!!!!
I came back home and I took a nap!When I woke up was 5 and I started to paint until now I couldnt finish and probably I will finish tomorrow night!

Yeahhhh Im lazy I know.

So I gonna explain about my project for Visual Culture:
I have a group Ryan,Niljen,Anna and Nikki, our mission is to build our own museum.
We decided the theme : Spacial things
We started on friday,tomorrow Im gonna meet them and Monday too.

Now I will watch something on the internet because Im bored!

Peace everybody

Friday, April 2, 2010

April 2

Hello everybody!!!

So as I said before I'm gonna post in this blog everyday(Im gonna try)!!!
YEY second day,Im doing GOOD!!!

I slept so good last night I think I was really tired,I woke up at 9 and I got ready to leave my house, because my friend's house is too far!
Took me 1h30min to get there!
We got lost kind of, and we had to walk a little to get in my friend's place.
BTW the weather was AWESOME!
We start our project at 13 and we finished at 21.Yeeep I spent all day there,but it worth!
Our procject is almost done and it looks cool!
Im gonna explain about it tomorrow,Im too tired!
Anyways I had a lot of fun!
We had to cook too,OMG was soo funny!
Now is 12:10 and I really want to sleep!
Tomorrow I have many things to do!

Peace to everybody

April 1 acutally 2

Ohh today was so nice!!!!!
I think was 21 degrees, like Brazil! =D
Yeahh I'm gonna try to post here EVERYDAY!!!
YES is gonna be a challenge but is good for me ( I guess).

Today I met my friends from college at 12:30, we had to buy some stuff to do our assigment(I will post tomorrow more about it)
We went to Dollarama (good store everything there is CD$ 1) then curry's,stamples and curry's again!We had a break at Tim Horton's (I might have to explain what the heck is TH)

Anyways after that I went to Christie Park to meet Kamil and Liza!!!
The weather was so awesome we decided to play soccer!
First we had to buy a ball,we walked and walked and walked, and finally we found a place that sell balls!
We played soccer,we met different people, we had fun!
I think I'm out of shape!C'mon I couldn't play well(That's sucks)
We had dinner in a Korean Restaurant! SOOOOOOO GOOOOD!!!!
After we played ping pong!!ahuhauhauhauhauhua
and Now I'm here tired,watching Dexter, listening Bella crying outside my door.
Tomorrow is a holiday (Good Friday) and I have to wake up early and go far from my house to do my project!

Peace to everybody